My Blog :)

My Blog :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Lied 私は嘘

I Lied
I still remember the day, 
When you still trust me, 
Believing everything I said .

Your trust ,
I was thankful for it .
I appreciate it .
And in return ,
I trust you too .

We trust and believe in each other .
Our lives are peaceful .
Without any fights or arguments .
I was happy for that .
I hope everyday will be like this  ,
But sometimes ,
What you hope to last ,
Will not last long .

Sometimes, I felt annoyed ,
Since you have this bad habit ,
Eversince , you had join a new group of friends ,
I felt jealous ,
Since I was left-out.
We were not like before ,
Spending out time together .
I didn’t want to tell you , .
And I was hiding this from you .

Until this day , I felt like ,
I had hide so many things from you .
I  felt like I didn’t trust you anymore .

I lied ,
So many times ,
To just broken our friendship .
To broken your trust .

Not long , You had found out that I was lying
You knew it .
And started avoiding me .
We were not friends anymore .

I sent you a letter .
About leaving each other .
You threw the letter aside.
And didn’t care .

I wasn’t sad for this ,
Since I lied .
Since I hid so many secrets from you .

But now ,
When I look back at the past.
I really want to apologize .

I regretted that I had lied .
Sorry , was the word that I want to tell you . 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Winter Day (Finally, found you) 冬の日(最後に、見つけられる)

Walking around the streets ,
In a cold winter day.

I love winter.
It's the only season that changed a lot.

That winter day, I met someone.
He's a sick patient .
He's walkng alone ,
In the park without a fur coat.

Bringing him home .
I knew that he's someone ,
Very familliar...
I felt like I know him.

But the memories ,
sigh...They're not helping me.
After sending him to a hospital ,
I stayed by his side.

The doctor said ,
He is now having a rare disease.

Three days past .
He fall in a coma.
I started to get worried ,
And never leave him alone.

I wrote a song,
About his suffering and pain.
Pain ... Suffering....

The doctor came in that day .
He told me that this guy had only
A month left.... to survive....
I spent almost all my time with him .
Talking to him , reading a story to him.

The day that he was supposed ..
To pass away .

He opened his eyes and looked at me..
He touch my face .
And said "Brother...."

I cried. My twin elder brother...
I remembered ... brother.
How could I forget.

My brother went missing ..
In Hokkaido , for ten years.

Now ,I had found him .
His here now , laying on the bed ..
Going to die...

I continue to cry..
He told me weakly...
" Love your life , Brother misses you."

He closed his eyes slowly .
He died ..

I hugged him.
I whisper to his ear
"Brother misses you and love you"

After a year , I had won the awards
For my song about him,

I went to the graveyard,
I burn the script at his grave.
"To you, brother."

I heard a voice " Thank you "

I turn around and look at the sky .
It's my brother.

I smiled .. that was my happy winter day ..
I had found you, brother.

~The End

The Another Meaning of Love 愛のもう一つの意味

There are many ways
People look at it .
There's a certain way ..
That some people think of it.


Love doesnt only mean
Loving someone or something.
It has a secret meaning.
Hidding inside the word .

Look around ,
You could only see ..
Polution , stress .. suicide cases .
All the negative stuff.

Polution ,stress , suicide ,
We created those.
Because we didnt use the word

We need to love the world.
Do not cause any pollution ,

We need to love ourself,
Do not cause sucide or stress.

Love,  we need to love the world.
We need to love ourself.

Love , what god gave us.
Appreciate it.

Love , dont overstress youself ,
Think of a way.
Everthing is possible .

We could fly , or dive very deep
into the sea.

However , the first thing is
Love . Love yourself and the world.

The other meaning of Love ..
Is so beautiful .

Love, .. We all love you

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Before The Death of A Samurai . 侍の死の前に

As the flag fell to the ground,
I looked at the dead soldiers,
Died with their eyes wide open,
A signal to a not peaceful death ,
The pain in my heart became worse.
Pain , revenge covered my heart .
It's taking control of me .
I look angrily at the enemy .
He was coming closer , closer.
Staring at me , he took out his sword.
It was long and deadly.
Kill me .I wanted to die .
I had failed , i had failed too many times .
I cant be a warrior , i cant.
My anger started to rise ,
However , it's no use .
His sword was at my neck .
Leaving a sort of pain.
I closed my eyes to feel the pain
Death was near , it's coming closer .
I'm the last survivor .
The last of my type.
My type , it will extict .
Forever .Forever . Forever .
I whisper the word slowly .
He swung the sword ,
I opened my eyes
It was not on my neck anymore ,
It was in his body .
He stab himself , why ?
I saw him fell on the ground .
His mask came off .
It revealed his face .
It was my older brother .
My brother , my missing brother.
Why is he with the enemy ? Why ?
He did not tell me . Why  ?
Before he died , he used up all his energy,
He said slowly :"Protect the samurai , dont let them die!"
I cried . He saved me because .....
He wanted the samurai to survive ...Forever.
He died slowly , he closed his eyes.
He smiled . It was a peaceful death. 
I wiped my tears . 
I hug him . I dont want to leave him . 
But his dead , I couldnt do anything.
Laying his body slowly .
I took a tore flag beside me . 
Covered his body with it . 
I took my sword . 
Stab it to the ground. 
I stood up , I could still feel my pain .
It will always be there . 
It could not dissapear.
I shouted ,"The samurai wont die . I promise ! "

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New Story writing for a competition

Currently, i stop writing the story"1000 Paper Planes To A Friend".Now , Kenji and Alexto are like fighting over who gets to protect Rino and Hana . Rino also found out that Alexto has Wunopontin(a chemical needed for the revival method).I talk about this at the next post.

The new story , the title is called The Assistant Monitor's Smile. I write in it Chinese ,so the title should be
副班长的笑容(fu ban zhang de xiao rong).

It's a story about a girl call Bi Mei, is a best friend with the assistant monitor, Hong Ming .Hong Ming loves to smile , that's why he has many friends . However ,Bi Mei is not friendly and her only friend is Hong Ming.The two of them always go everywhere together .Until one day , Hong Ming suddenly fainted when he was practising for the basketball competition .Bi Mei saw it , he ran to Hong Ming . She  saw Hong Ming , was so weak and has breathing  problem . The head prefect saw it and call the  teacher ,The teacher quickly send Hong Ming to the hospital and call Hong Ming's parents. The doctor check  on Hong Ming , he had a very very serious heart attack , the doctor said it cant be safe . Before Hong Ming dies , he call Bi Mei to see him . Bi Mei walk to him . He told Bi Mei"You are my most important best friend ."Bi  Mei cries .Hong Ming touch Bi Mei's face . Hong Ming face was pale and his hand was cold , he smiled , but this was his final smile .He told Bi Mei to take his necklace . It was a cross necklace . He help Bi Mei to wear the necklace. He slowly closed his eyes ,He then died . Bi Mei cried and say :"You are my best friend too. I want to see your smile , forever."

After a year , Bi Mei still remember that incident , she decided to step forward and make new friends . She also will not forget about Hong Ming .

I plan to write about 4000 words .It's for a competition.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Now on Chapter 30

I'm writing chapter 30 for 1000 Paper Planes to A Friend . I took out Bob as the main character and add Alexto (A blonde hair guy with red eyes) . I cannot write to start another book to continue the story . Will post the character concept art at the next post .

I had drawn Cloud Strife for the first time .  Turns out okay . But i love it . I like Cloud now , espicially his hair .

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Character Details -1000 Paper Planes To A Friend

Rino Nanaka (Main Character )
 A 14 year old student from Tsubasa High . She has emotional problems due to her best friend's death ,    Hana Akita . She's like the 'Love is War ', Hatsune Miku . That crazy type and likes to shout and  cry girl . I think that's the main reason , she has not many friend . I write her character like this cause of the song "Love is War ."

Kenji Murasaki (2nd Main Character ).
A 14 year old  yaoi (gay) . He works at  a Butler Cafe . Rino is his best friend and he usually hugs her . Loves crying too . Hana is his best friend too . He mostly contol Rino 's emotional problems . After that , he works as a butler for Bob .

Bob Luxiata (I want to change his name ! ) , (Main Character)
A Luxiata , that means he needs to use a musical instrument to control his power . He can play the flute and summon fishes to help him . He introduce the revival method 'A Thousand Paper Planes 'revival method to Rino and Kenji .